17. Influence of the various factors on the person (2)

To your attention the diagrams received at researches by the device GDV-CAMERA (К.Korotkov). By pressing on the image, you can it increase.

Influence of water on power of the person
Control Usual water Mineral water

Influence of zones of the Earth on power of the person
Geopathogenic zone Sanative zone

Influence of minerals on the person
Control Selected mineral

Influence of phytocollection on power of the person
Control Through days After one week

Reaction of the child to world around
Control Conflict Harmony

Change of radiations at idea about a favourite dog
The right hand (Control)
The left hand (During idea about a favourite dog)

Change of power of the person under influence of elements of fire
Change of power of the chacras

Change of power of the person at mental infringement of a precept
Change of power of the chacras


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