Private clinic "Urusvati" of psychotherapy and eastern medicine
( License of Health Ministry of Ukraine AA ¹ 216082)
The basis of our treatment is an intensive method combined of eastern and modern medicine. Only one week of treatment and the result is Health, Happiness and Harmony! And everything is without any table!
Diagnostics and control of treatment are based on fast, safe and authentic computer research of physical, psycho-emotional and energetic estate of an organism (diagnostics - gas-discharging visualization).
Perfect results in the treatment of neuroses, psychosomatic and somatic diseases, consequences of brain injuries, atomic radiation, alcohol abuse, blood illnesses don't have any analogues in world practice. They are affirmed by independent modern researches, including computer ones.
Good results are received in treatment of serious, chronic patients, difficultly yielding to methods of official medicine.
(It's the former patients' opinion).
We treat adults and children (from three years).
We return health and joy of life!
" It is faultlessly possible to say that the flow of each illness depends on the estate of psychical energy. But people do not want to understand that their free will will be a strong impulse in the usage of psychical energy. Clearler a man imagines this process, more he will help to himself ". (Agni Yoga, Overground, 275).
Diagnostics of aura
In the clinic there is AGRD-2 (S.F.Romaniy's apparatus) and a computer complex "GDV-Camera" (K.G.Korotkov's apparatus) that is unique in Ukraine. It permits not only to deliver the precise medical diagnosis of availability of disease at the present moment, but also to forecast the probability of its appearing 3-4 years before clinical manifestations.
The method of gas-discharging visualization (GDV) didn't find a wide application in the USSR in spite of the fact that it was offered by the matrimonial couple Kirlian in the late 40s. The preconditions of medical diagnostics were formulated and justified with the help of this method in 60s.
But German scholar, doctor, professor Peter Mandel, using "kirlianographya", lead researches and analysed pictures of the luminescence of fingers of arms and legs of many patients. On their basis he developed tables that allow to define an estate of this or that organ with characteristics of the luminescence of separate zones and to give the evaluation of a common estate of a patient's organism and to deliver the precise medical diagnosis. Now scientific-research institutes and clinics in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland work under his guidance.
In Ukraine S.F.Romaniy continued Kirlian's business. We received unique color photos of radiatio with the help of S.F.Romaniy's apparatus (AGRD-2). In Russia professor K.G.Korotkov has developed a computer complex "GDV-Camera" with a softwear and improved the procedure of researches that is successfully applied in leading clinics of Russia and foreign countries.
The possibility to evaluate not only the state of a separate organ or a system but also of the whole organism is one of the most important advantages of the method GDV.
Both the evaluation of the psycho-emotional state of a man and the definition of a psychological type of a person are also possible with the help of Kirlian's effect. The possibility to research the compatibility of people is of special interest. It opens prospects to a new approach to questions of the selection of a personnel, a creative group, a family and the creation of harmonic interpersonal relations.
At our time the method GRV (Kirlian's effect) is one of few methods, permitting to investigate quickly and authentically physical, psycho-emotional and energetic state of a man, to select individual methods of treatment and sanitation, to control their efficiency in dynamics.
Photos (AGRD-2) Images (GDV-Camera)
Medicine of the XXI century
Modern life leads almost invariably to the beginning of diseases, even children suffer from them. What is the reason of their beginning? The modern level of the development of science allows to say precisely that in the basis of many diseases are the breaches of bioenergetical processes in a patient's organism.
How is it possible to cure and even better not to admit the appearing of an illness?
For many centuries in eastern medicine it has been considered that there isn't any illness that can't be defeated. There is just one condition: a patient should become the main character of the renewal of his own health. It is necessary to use all the potential, put by the nature.
Only that expert who is aware of cause-effect relationships of the appearing of sufferings can help. And the result is not only the elimination of an illness and its causes, but also the waking of love to life. Highly qualified specialists of our clinic are always ready to assist.
Autogenic Meditational Psychotherapy (AMP) by Medical Academy of Spiritual Development "MADRA". It had been applied since 1992 and health had already been returned to thousands of patients. ÀÌP regulates energetic processes in an organism, helps to discover the force of Spirit, teaches to live in harmony with yourself and the surrounding world, activates reserves of an organism. An intensive procedure of dipping is applied – a five-day cycle of 4 lessons daily.
We shall not only cure but also teach:
We are always ready to help you!
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